Friday, January 3, 2014

Happy Friday! 

I've been meaning to post, but those holidays sure did keep us pretty busy!

As many of you already know, we're in the process of moving out of our Ravenna store. It wasn't an easy decision, but I think it's the best decision for us now. Until we find a NEW home we will be running this "show" from the road/home, etc.

I'd like to use this blog and The White Rabbit's facebook page as a tool to promote not only our own art, but the art of others, other local businesses and so forth. I feel that it's really important that we realize that we're all in this together. I know that sounds sort of cheesy, but seriously - none of us can do this without the other. Just because the physical store in Ravenna closed doesn't change the fact that we had and still have a GREAT group of talented artists in the area. This is an amazing and wonderful thing! 

In the meantime, like I said, we're going to be running The White Rabbit from the road/home. There are several craft shows this spring that we're planning on participating in (and it looks like many of our friends from The White Rabbit will be at some of them too!), so we'll be sure to keep you updated on our travels. Also, I've spent some time tonight updating and revising our original etsy page

I'll stop here for tonight, but please watch for upcoming event dates and shop updates. Especially now that there's no physical store, I will try to keep you all as updated as possible as I become aware of things.

Thanks for reading! <3