Saturday, October 26, 2013



Welcome to The White Rabbit blog. I decided recently that starting a store blog would be a better way to connect with everyone. Facebook is great, but it's hard to fit everything into that silly little status update box! Also, it doesn't let us get to know each other on much of a personal level. I'm a pretty chatty girl and I like to tell stories and give detail (probably too much), so I struggle sometimes with the short, sweet & to the point thing.

Regardless, I'm Brittany, the girl behind The White Rabbit. I'm the force behind those silly "Hop on in" posts and picture overloads that fill your news feeds from time to time. Hopefully you find them enjoyable because I certainly enjoy them :)

A few things I wanted to talk about today:

Our new holiday hours go in to effect Monday. Now, I know some of you may be thinking/wondering what the method to my madness here is. I'll share! (See, isn't this so much better than Facebook already!) I've noticed that most of you visit me on Fridays & Saturdays, so in an effort to keep that awesomeness going - I've omitted our Thursday night hours (Those were so lonely - you must all be busy on that night), but extended our Friday & Saturday hours. Hopefully that works out well for all of us! 

Holidays are quickly approaching (Can you believe Halloween is next week?!), so keep an eye out for some events coming up in the next couple of months! (Black Friday, Christmas, etc) I'll post the details SOON for those, so don't worry! We'll get this holiday shopping business started VERY soon. 

Things are really starting to take shape here at The White Rabbit. We've got a ton of great artists keeping the place full of their awesomeness. I'd like to use this blog to introduce you to them. The whole part of shopping local and buying handmade art is to support your community. I feel that the faces and stories behind that work is just as important as the actual work, SO that's another thing I hope to achieve by starting this blog. 

I'll close here, for now. Take care and check back soon :)

P.S. Why "The White Rabbit"? Because of these two little boys <3